#CoachHG Collection 13: Conflict Resolution (Ideation & Consistency) – StrengthsFinder Singapore
Please read #CoachHG Collection: Conflict Resolution (Introduction) before proceeding further.
Ideation & Consistency are 2 very contrasting talent themes in CliftonStrengths.
Ideation talent theme
The genius of your Ideation talent begins with your love of ideas and the way you so quickly learn new ideas, concepts and principles. But you are not passive. It is as if you take ideas and then begin spinning them around in your mind. With each new idea you learn, you tend to think about it over and over – – – spinning it around with the many other ideas you already have. The result of this thinking, turning, and spinning around of new ideas with what you already know does two things. First, you generate new connections and insights about ideas and their implications. Second, the spinning of your ideas often results in new ideas. Therefore, the genius of the Ideation talent is the creativity of generating new ideas and insights as a result of contemplating and reviewing the ideas you have learned.
Consistency talent theme

Your genius strength of Consistency involves both the way you think and process information and the way you see what is fair and equitable. Whereas others often take a long time to determine what is fair and equitable, to you it is obvious. You can quickly determine what should be done so that problems are solved in ways that treat everyone in a just and equal manner. This process of determining what is equitable often involves processing a great deal of information. But the genius of your Consistency talent sorts through information and comes to equitable decisions so quickly that you may not see anything special about what you do because you do it with such ease. In your relationships, you strive to treat everyone equally and consistently. This helps you win the confidence of others. You are a great, fair and just thinker because of your Consistency talent.
Common conflict points between 2 persons; one with Ideation & the other with Consistency
- My Ideation talent treats every idea unequally and creatively BUT your Consistency talent treats every individual equally and consistently
- My Ideation talent dislikes boundary/procedure that constrain BUT your Consistency talent likes boundary/procedure that conforms
- My Ideation talent generates new connections/insights about ideas and their implications BUT your Consistency talent generates available connections/insights about inequality and their implications
- My Ideation talent finds satisfaction by anyone’s most creative contribution BUT your Consistency talent finds serenity by everyone’s fair chance to contribute
The way to minimise the conflict and to maximise the collaboration is to operate from the position of Confident Vulnerability; readiness to contribute with your greatest talent with healthy pride and receiving the contribution of others’ greatest talents with humble posture.
What if you have both Ideation & Consistency talent themes in your Top 5 themes?
You are most likely to be successful when you give everyone equal chance to contribute to your creative process.
We change the ‘BUT‘ to ‘AND‘.
- Your Ideation talent treats every idea unequally and creatively AND your Consistency talent treats every individual equally and consistently; you do not lose creativity as you pursue consistency.
- Your Ideation talent dislikes boundary/procedure that constrains AND your Consistency talent likes boundary/procedure that conforms; you have the wisdom to appreciate the season to conform and the season to transform.
- Your Ideation talent generates new connections/insights about ideas and their implications AND your Consistency talent generates available connections/insights about inequality and their implications; your connectivity can produce both cognitive ingenuity and community equality.
- Your Ideation talent finds satisfaction by anyone’s most creative contribution AND your Consistency talent finds serenity by everyone’s fair chance to contribute; you get your sense of happiness with a wide range of “others’ contribution”.