StrengthsTransform™ Coach Certification
StrengthsTransform™ Coach Certification
Youth DeveloperEducation and Career Guidance
What is it about?
Certification programme for mastery of StrengthsFinder & application of StrengthsTransform™ Diagnostic & Coaching tools to help clients discover their talents and facilitate intervention.
- “The best in you engaging the best in youths!”
- Customise your approach to maximise youth engagement & motivation
- Inspire the next generation with their strengths
Who Should Attend?
Educators, Youth Workers, Counsellors & Coaches seeking to maximise effectiveness & impact using strengths:
- “How may I influence youths in my unique & most effective ways?”
- “How may I uncover talents and help them to shine?”
Focus on Youth Development Coaching Practice Using Games as Coaching Tools Certified Coaches – Dialogue & Upgrading Session Train the Trainer Certification for Educators
What Participants Say

Jason Tan Boys’ Brigade Training CommitteeStrengthsTransformTM enhanced my ability to challenge youths & mould them as future leaders. I now know my unique strengths make me a strategic influencer, to train & empower youth leaders. I also learned to release youths to contribute through their strengths, instead of micromanaging their development. All these helps me to stay relevant to the youths & make a difference in the community.

Ms. Wong, Educator Dunman High SchoolThe greatest impact was the insight into the talent themes. Before I was aware of the themes but now I am very conscious of them. The coaches are very engaging.

Dunman High School Mr. Han, EducatorThe most significant learning was understanding what each theme means and how it can be used. (This is relevant because) I can speak to my student about their themes with more confidence & fluidity. If you believe in strength, this course is for you. If you want to help yourself deal better with students or colleagues using strength, this course is for you. Even if you’re skeptical about strength, this course will change your mind.